Panela (Brown Sugar)



Panela, also known as, raspadura, piloncillo, is a bronw sugar that is obtained from the evaporation of cane juice and does not pass through any refining. It has a rich flavor, gives the body a lot of nutrients and benefits, and is widely used in Latin American countries.
If you incorporate panela sugar in your diet you’ll be providing your body elements such as vitamin A, minerals such as potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium, glucose, fructose, some vitamins B, C, D and E among other things.
Some other properties and uses of sugar panela:
“It helps fight fatigue and tiredness states.
“It is widely used in the manufacture of beverages such as juices, teas and soft drinks.
“It brings a lot of energy to the body.
“It is widely used for the preparation of foods such as cookies, chocolates, jams and sweets.
»Helps fight colds and flu.

Here is an easy beverage recipe:


10 Limes

2 1/2 liter of water

3 panela (Panela usually found at the store in the form of small molds, for this recipe use 3 molds)


1)Add the panela to the water and let it melt (approx. 1 hr)

2)Squeeze limes in water

3)Stir and drink.







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