Recipe: Panamanian Corn Tortillas| Cocinerita

La Tortilla Panameña

It is well known that in the panamanian diet it is a custom to eat rice as daily basis, but when I arrived in the United States, it’s when I found a wide variety of tortillas due to the diversity of cultures found in this country.

Although the basis of daily food in Panama is rice, we also have a type of tortilla, which is  eaten in the morning as a replacement for bread, or green plantain, or hojaldres .

This tortilla is made with these ingredients:

  • Ground corn
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • white cheese (so named in Panama, or Queso fresco)

It is accompanied with coffee, and your favorite cheese. Let’s take a look of the recipe for this delicious tortilla and who knows maybe you could make it for your next breakfast. Follow the link and enjoy!

Source: Recipe: Panamanian Corn Tortillas

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