Another Interesting Fruit: The Guaba Or Inga

The seeds are covered with sweet white powder. The pulp covering the seeds is lightly fibrous and sweet, and rich in minerals, it is edible in the raw state. Popular knowledge Indicates That the tree’s name Originates from the Tupi word in-gá meaning “soaked”, due to the fruit powder consistency. The tree usually we blossoms twice a year.
Within the genus Inga there are around 300 species, most of it them native and growing in the Amazon forest region Also although some species are found in Mexico, Greater and Lesser Antilles and other country clubs in South America, being an Exclusively neotropical genus. The trees are usually we found by river and lake edges Carried Because Their seeds are there by floods.

Fruit of an Inga-species Their All Inga species produce seeds in “bean-like” pods and some can reach up to 1 m long, in generally the pods are 10-30 cm long.
Trees can reach up to 15 meters and They are Widely used for producing shade over coffee plants. The plant benefits from well drained soil. The flowers are white with some green and the tree can produce fruits almost all year long.
Inga species, Most Notably Inga edulis (Commonly Known as “ice-cream-bean” or, in Spanish, “Inga” or “guava” or “father”) Often have edible pulp. The name Derives from the fact That Those of I. Resembles edulis vanilla ice cream in flavor.   Children love guavas and spend hours picking them and eating them in the trees!



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