Popular Caribbean Recipes

There are so many different styles of food in the Caribbean that finding the 3 most popular hasn’t been an easy task. Jamaican, Cuban, and other island flavors all compete for the title of most popular. Appetizers, entrees, desserts, and drinks all have the most popular of each style, what 3 are the best of…

Ripe Plantain

If your plantains became very black (ripe), do not throw it away! This is a very delicious Caribbean side dish, with which you can enjoy your favorite foods . Easy Preparation A large ripe plantains, peeled and bias cut into 1-inch thick slices. Plantains must be very black skinned! The darker the sweeter will be. 2/3 cup…

How to cook Green Fried Plantains “Tostones or Patacones”

This is one of the most famous caribben dish. If you have never taste one before, you can’t miss this delicious snack, dish whatever you want to name it. Made with green plantain, but lets learn a little bit more about this great dish. Enjoy! A Caribbean Dish        I am pleased to tell you…